Schools are an important place for fostering the healthy development of children as they spend most of their time there. It is in school that we can support our young people develop into healthy, active, confident and aspirational members of society.

The children we work with:

Don’t lack ability, ambition or aspiration, they lack opportunity.

Often where a person grows up can have a significant impact on his or her personal development and future life chances.

  • 70% are living with poverty – the most severe levels of deprivation according to IDACI
  • 77% are Black, Asian or have an ethnic minority background
  • A significant proportion have reported poor mental wellbeing
  • Many are or have been at risk of exclusion from education altogether.

Education is only effective when children can engage with learning. This generation has been penalised during the pandemic. These children matter and are the futire of the country. They are not just another statistic.

Marcus Rashford

Sport is an incredible vehicle to teach life skills, and it has been proven that children who play sports are better socially adjusted than those who don’t. Over the years, good sports coaching and extracurricular sport activities has been associated with private schools and wealthy communities – and there is a reason parents who own more wealth invest in their children playing sport: because sport works. Research demonstrates that participation in sport:

  • promotes social integration
  • reduces the risk of obesity and many chronic physical conditions
  • combats mental health problems such as depression and anxiety and improves self-esteem
  • improves attentiveness in the classroom
Coach Chris with Greenhouse participant on tennis court

Our STEP Framework

In 2011 we developed a bespoke impact measurement framework to evaluate the difference we make.

The STEP Framework focuses on the skills at the heart of our mission: the Social, Thinking, Emotional and Physical skills that we seek to develop in our young people. We believe these 12 skills will help our participants to lead happy and healthy lives, and to act as positive social influences both at school and beyond.

Click here to read our summary of who we are and how we work.

Donate to Greenhouse Sports

Your support can help transform the lives of young people through providing a full-time coach-mentor in their school.

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